Blog Post


  • By Chretien Fokam
  • 11 Aug, 2020

(Day 5)

Job 27:17But the righteous will wear that clothing,  and the innocent will divide that money.."

Ecclesiastes 2:26  "For he gives the man who is pleasing to him wisdom, science and joy; but he gives the sinner the care to collect and amass, in order to give to the one who is pleasing to God. This is still a vanity and the pursuit of the wind.

Proverbs 13:22The good man has as heirs the children of his children, but the riches of the sinner are reserved for the righteous."

- Start praying

  • Begin to sincerely repent of your sins (thought, words, actions, omissions) and failures
  • Receive forgiveness and purification of your sins through faith according to 1 John 1:7-9
  • Then praise His greatness
  1. God my Father, I come into Your presence through the Blood of Jesus who gives me free access to Your sanctuary. Thank you, Father for the Blood of Jesus which clothes, me with His righteousness and allows me to approach your throne of grace with audacity.

Read Psalm 5:11  "Then all those who confide in you will rejoice, They will have joy forever, and you will protect them; You will be a subject of joy for those who love yourname.! Pour ceux qui aiment ton nom and worship the name of the Lord as well:

  1. My Father and my God, your name rises above every name. I raise Your Glorious Name:
  • Jehovah, my Strong Tower in which I take refuge and find myself safe, I raise you
  • Elohim God Powerful Creator I raise You
  • YHWH God - You who are revealed to you in Moses as "I am The One who am" - My sovereign, Omnipotent and eternal God raise You
  • Adonai- Lord Master of heaven and earth, I glorify You
  • El Elohim - God of the Gods, I Glorify You
  • El Elyon - God Most High, raised above all heavens, majestic God and raised above all, I glorify You
  • YHWH El Emeth - Faithful God, I Glorify You
  • YHWH Sabaoth - Eternal of the Armies, King of Heaven and Earth
  • El Yeshuati- God of my salvation, I glorify You
  • El Gibbor - Mighty God in battles, I exalt You
  • YHWH Rohi - my Good Shepherd, always by my side to lead me and guide me, I exalt You
  • Elohim Qadowsh - Very Holy God, I exalt You
  • El Elohim God powerful, strong and pre-eminent, I exalt You
  • El Roï - God who sees everything, I exalt You
  • El Olam - God of eternity, you who have no beginning or end, you are God from eternity to eternity, I exalt You
  • El Neqamah - God of my vengeance who avenges me from all my enemies, I glorify You
  • El Shaddai - Almighty God, I adore You
  • YHWH Mekoddishkem, my God who sanctifies me, I adore You
  • YHWH Tsidkenu God who justifies me, I adore You
  • YHWH Shalom God of my peace, I adore You
  • YHWH Nissi my banner, God of victory and miracles, I adore You
  • YHWH Owri - God of my light, I adore You
  • YHWH Uzzi- God of my strength, I praise You
  • YHWH Rapha- God who heals me, I praise You
  • YHWH Sali - my Rock and my fortress, I praise You

(Continueto praise Him according to the inspiration of the Holy Spirit))

  1. Sing several hymns to the Lord
  2. Thank and appreciate God for what He has done in your life since the beginning of the year(His protection, His providence, His provision, His peace, His love. He saved you from accidents, from calamities that have reached others but not you, His grace, His mercy for you and your family...)


Isaiah 42:16 "I  will make the blind walk on a path they do not know, I will lead them by paths they do not know; I will turn before them the darkness into the light, and the tortuous places in the plain: This is what I will do, and I will not abandon them."

Isaiah 26:2 "Open the gates, let the nation enter just and faithful."

Talk to the gates of the poverty that closes and say:

  1. I speak at the gates of poverty that are closing:  the gates of poverty!  You're    closing forever! I command you to pass on to the gates of multiplication and abundance that open, all my blessings programmed by heaven; that have not yet been released in my life. All my blessings, promotions and divine riches still waiting, come out with me from the gates of poverty, in the  mighty name of  Jesus!  All the negative programming of the enemy against my family and I, I lock you behind me by the Blood of Jesus. Die  in the house of poverty, in the name of  Jesus. No evil instruction can be transmitted to the new door of multiplication and abundance in the name of Jesus!  
  2. Heavenly Father, as I stand on the Blood of Jesus at the door of June, I cry out to You: may Your divine intervention appear in all areas of my life in the name of Jesus
  3. I speak to the elements of heaven and earth through authority in the name of Jesus:
  4. Doors of heaven closed against my destiny, raise your lintels and release my blessings in the name of Jesus!  
  5. Doors of the waters closed against my destiny, raise your lintels and release my blessings in the name of Jesus!  
  6. Doors of the earth closed against my destiny, raise your lintels and release my blessings in the name of Jesus!  
  7. Doors under the earth, closed against my destiny, raise your lintels and release my blessings in the name of Jesus!  
  8. God my Father and My Defender, lift You and destroy all the evil guardians at these gates in the name of Jesus

Enter the gates of multiplication and abundance

  1. Hello Door of multiplication and abundance!  It says "let the righteous nation in"! I enter this gate as heir to God the Father, and co-heir of Christ, justified by the Blood of the Lamb and declare that I fully possess my divine heritage attached to this month.
  2. Thank you, Heavenly Father, for the opportunity to enter through this new door, place where you will still do beautiful and great new things in my life! Thank you, Lord!
  3. Eternal Father, you are my strength! I rise by Your strength and clothe myself in Your robes with strength and holiness to face the enemy and proclaim Christ's victory over my life. I stand up and take my place with Jesus Christ in the 3rd heaven above the powers, authorities, and dominations in the name of Jesus (Eph 2:6).).
  4. In this new year he is the home of multiplication and abundance, I proclaim Your Word on my life, O Eternal:

Isaiah 43:18-21   "Don't think about past events, and don't consider what is ancient. Behold, I'm going to do something new, about to happen: Won't you know her? I will set a path in the desert, and rivers in solitude. The beasts of the fields will glorify me, Jackals and ostriches, Because I will have put waters in the desert, Rivers in solitude, To water my people, my chosen one. The people I formed will publish my praises. »

Read these scriptures:

1 Corinthians 1:30 "Now it is through him that you are in Jesus Christ, who, by God, was made for us wisdom, justice and sanctification and redemption,"

2 Corinthians 5:21 "He who has not known sin, he has made it sin for us, so that we may become god's righteousness in him."

  1. Now, may the rivers of refreshment flow in all the deserts of my life in the name of Jesus
  2. May all things hidden in my life that dedicate to me forbidding in the eyes of God, die! name of Jesus
  3. Every deposit in me, every root in my foundation that makes me weak before my enemies, be uprooted and consumed with divine fire in the name of Jesus
  4. Heavenly Father, visit my life with Your mercy and erase any mark that places me under the divine forbidden in the name of Jesus
  5. By the fire broom of the Lord, that all forbidden in the middle of my house be exposed as Acan and swept out of my life in the name of Jesus
  6. Everything, every man, every woman, who is a forbidden in my life, in my affairs, and who gives power to my enemies to destroy me, exhales by fire now in the name of Jesus
  7. Heavenly Father, may Your goodness and mercy envelop and reside in my house and in my affairs in the name of Jesus
  8. YHWH Shalom, give us to live a peaceful and peaceful life with our families, our neighbors, our colleagues and all our relations in the name of Jesus
  9. YHWH Mekkoddishkem, may the grace of a life of piety and honesty fall on my life and on my whole family. Sanctify us so that I and my house may be set apart for you in the name of  Jesus
  10. Holy God probe my heart and my kidneys and let all that is attached to evil and hidden within me be cut off! May my soul live in You O God my Father!
  11. Heavenly Father, you are holy, and you cannot see evil. Give me to accept to strip me of appearances, ornaments that exalt the pride of the flesh and superficiality. Give me a simple spirit, to clothe me with modesty and adorn myself with good works in the name of Jesus
  12. O God my Father, through Your Spirit in me, inspires my clothing and hairstyles to reflect Your Spirit of Holiness in the name of Jesus
  13. Eternal Father, by the power of Your Spirit, whom I persevere in faith with modesty in holiness and in love until Your imminent return, like the wise virgins, in the name of Jesus
  14. Heavenly Father, through the Blood of Jesus, I disconnect from any chain that binds me to the devil consciously or unconsciously! I disconnect in the name of Jesus!!!  (emphasize this point)
  15. I break and part with:
  • All violence hidden in me
  • Any lust planted in my heart
  • All selfishness lodged in me
  • Any rebellion sown in my heart
  • Any spirit of dishonesty in me
  • Any spirit of jealousy in me
  • All root of wickedness in my soul
  • All pride that swells my heart
  • All pride that hardens me
  • Anything that messes up my testimony
  • Anything that can bring me into the stigma and traps of the devil
  • Any spirit of duplicity that makes me hypocritical
  • All judas spirit
  • All hymenee's spirit
  • All Alexander's Spirit
  • Any bad root that can deliver my soul and my life to Satan
  • All that makes my conscience unclean
  • Anything that weakens my faith
  • Every spirit of slander that stains my heart and tongue
  • Any spirit of adultery and infidelity that awaits my soul
  1. Heavenly Father, may the perfect honesty that is in Christ inhabit me in the name of Jesus
  2. May every seductive spirit in me and around me be exposed and defeated in the name of Jesus
  3. May all teachings derived from the doctrines of demon be driven out of my conscious and subconscious by the Spirit of Truth in the name of Jesus
  4. Holy Spirit, light warning signals in my mind listening to any teaching emanating from seductive spirits and doctrines of demons in the name of Jesus
  5. Holy Spirit, unmask all false doctors and prophets in the name of Jesus
  6. Heavenly Father, bless my finances, and make the fruit of my labor prosper according to Your promise in the name of Jesus
  7. May any limit drawn by the children of the slave to block my space of prosperity be erased by the Blood of Jesus in the name of Jesus
  8. May all mystical decrees assigned to place a limitation cover on my territory, on my finances and on my promotion be nullified and rendered ineffective by the Blood of Jesus in the name of Jesus
  9. I claim and receive all the blessings of my fathers since Abraham in the name of Jesus
  10. Through ancestral blessings, I own the country where I live and eat the best fruits of this country in the name of Jesus
  11. I declare that all the projects of my heart, all the divine promises and all the blessings that God has prepared for me will manifest themselves in their time without delay in the name of Jesus
  12. Any satanic delay and delay programmed in my circumstances is nullified by the Blood of Jesus in the name of Jesus
  13. I declare that my life is entering a new season of abundance and enlargement. I declare that the heavenly rain waters the garden of my life and now connects me to the excellent graces of the Father:

. I receive by express heavenly mail: health, wisdom, creativity, connections and supernatural opportunities, now, even as I am praying,

  1. I declare that I live by faith and I choose faith and not fear! I triumph by faith in the name of  Jesus

(Takea symbolic step to get around and say :)

  1. I declare that my life is coming out of the territory of survival and I enter the territory of abundance and prosperity because gold and silver belong to God my Father.
  2. I declare that I am entering my harvest season of all my seeds of justice, and I receive an abundant and overflowing harvest in the name of Jesus
  3. I declare that because I have given and continue to give, I in turn receive measures shaken, packed, and overflowing, constantly and continuously in the name of Jesus.
  4. I declare that my tithes and offerings connect me to the abundance of the Kingdom of God. I cannot know the lack or the famine in the name of Jesus
  5. I declare that my rewards are transferred to me from the banks of the treasures of the 3rd heaven because I remain faithful in faith and keep the divine ordinances in the name of Jesus
  6. I declare, O God, that I do not care about anything because You are my Avenger and My Providence. Even if things seem to take time, I am assured that I will reap the time marked if I do not relax my confidence in You Father
  7. Father thank you, for you are opening new doors in front of me. Thank you Lord for I will still see Your goodness on the land of the living! Father thank you for Your favor and for the abundant prosperity you bring into my life, beyond what I think or ask in the name of Jesus
  8. I declare that my destiny is glorious, and my future is bright under the light of the Sun of Justice in the name of Jesus
  9. Father I believe and declare that the eagle of my destiny will rise higher and higher by the grace of Your favor and blessing, and I will live the abundant and prosperous life that You reserve for Your children, in the name of Jesus.
  10. I declare that just as we have entered the season of summer, where the sun reigns, my Sun of Justice will rule over all aspects of my life with deliverance and healing under its wings in the name of Jesus
  11. I declare that YHWH Jireh is my Providence! He possesses all things and provides for all my needs and beyond in the name of Jesus
  12. I declare that I am connected to the inexhaustible Source of YHWH Jireh and that I lack nothing.
  13. I declare that the seeds of success, of promotion, of enlargement, are rooted in my life. Heavenly Father, Your favor will blossom even more in my life. I will see new seasons of blessings and favors in a greater dimension in the name of Jesus
  14. Heavenly, I declare that it will be made to me according to my faith! It is written in Psalm 2:8 “Ask me and I will give you the nations asinheritance."

Father I ask You to fulfill in my life my dreams and hopes- Raise me in the midst of nations O God. Give me Father and glorify Your name, for Your fame is exalted by the fulfillment of Your promises, in the name of Jesus

  1. Heavenly Father open my ears, my eyes and all my spiritual senses and free me from all spiritual blindness. Father show me Your purpose for my life in the name of Jesus
  2. I forgive all those who have offended me Father, forgive me all my acts of disobedience and all my evil words in the name of Jesus
  3. Oh God Father, baptize me with Your fire! Baptize me with Your anointing of fire and free me from any spiritual pollution that weakens my life of prayer. Heavenly Father descend into my life and take control of my existence and my circumstances in the name of Jesus.
  4. O God my Father, may my prayers ascend to You and receive Your attention, Your grace, Your mercy and Your favor in the name of Jesus
  5. Heavenly Father, free Your angels from miracles and supernatural provisions in my life in the name of Jesus
  6. Heavenly Father, by the power of the prayer of pleasure, on the basis of Matthew 18:19  "I  tell you again that if two of you agree on earth to ask for anything, it will be granted to them by my Father who is in heaven. For where two or three are assembled in my name, I am in the midst of them. »

Oin me and all my brothers and sisters who pray tonight at the door of multiplication and abundance, and that our prayers free Your abundant Spiritual Energy to attract accelerated responses to our prayers, in the name of Jesus

  1. Heavenly Father, may heaven collaborate with me, in heaven, in the waters, and on earth, to make the garden of my life bloom in the name of Jesus
  2. Any grouping of the forces of darkness against my family and I in retaliation for my prayers, receive the stones of fire, the suffering and the rain of affliction of the living God and be scattered in desolation in the name of Jesus
  3. Heavenly Father extend Your cover of the Fire of the Spirit and Blood of Jesus on my family and me and protect us from all evil in the name of Jesus

Thank you, Eternal Father, for answering my prayers. Thank you for your goodness that You renew in our lives in this new month in the name of Jesus

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