Blog Post

Crush the head of Serpent

  • By Chretien Fokam
  • 28 Jul, 2020

And I will put enmity between you and the woman, And between your seed and her Seed; He shall bruise your head, And you shall Bruise His heel. – Genesis 3 vs 15-19 KJV


And he laid hold on the dragon, that old serpent, which is the Devil, and Satan, and bound him a thousand years” -Revelation 20:2 KJVImage result for Genesis 3 vs 15


What are the lessons for this scripture?

a)    Lucifer is the Ancient Serpent

b)  First whether you like it or not you have an enemy. God said I will put enmity.. between the serpent and the woman.

c)    The serpent represents Satan, and the woman are descendants of Adam and Eve

Second, God gave the seed of Abraham and Eve, which is human beings the power to bruise the head of the serpent

Third, God also gave the Serpent the power to bruise the heel of man

Most of the afflictions we face as individuals or those faced by nation states are manifestations of various ‘bruises’ inflicted on the heels of individuals or nations by the Ancient Serpent.

Those familiar with the traits of the animal called the Serpent know that its strength lies in its head. Once the head of a Serpent is broken, it becomes powerless and dies instantly. By granting mankind the power to ‘bruise’ the head of the Serpent, God really gave us power to overcome the Serpent and stop all its evils in our daily life.

~~ Unfortunately

          👉🏾whereas the Serpent fully uses its power to ‘bruise’ the heel of mankind, the human race, particularly Christians seldom uses their divine power to ‘bruise’ the head of the Serpent. It has therefore been a one sided battle between man and the Serpent with the latter always having the upper hand.

 It is therefore not surprising that most Christians including those who profess to be born again still suffer under the yoke of various attacks of the devil- hunger, sickness, untimely death, crime, poverty, joblessness, marriage failures, business stagnancy, and the like.



Revelation 12: 7- 9 (KJV) gives more revelation on the fall of the serpent:


“And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels, And prevailed not; neither was their place found any more in heaven. And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angel is cast out with him”


Every follower of Jesus Christ is a member of a Spiritual army against the Kingdom of Satan. Before a believer could inherit his divine blessings, he must successfully overcome the dragon and his angels here on earth, even as Michael and his angels did in Heaven. Whether you like to believe it or not, the Serpent hates you simply because you are a follower of the Way, the Truth and the Life.



And the Serpent is determined to frustrate and thwart the plan and purpose of God for all His children.


The Serpent is the Believers’ one and only enemy , and toils day and night in opposition to God and his Children. Satan is stubbornly and unrepentantly opposed to the children of God, and manifests this hatred through various acts of wickedness


Your conversion to Christianity did not automatically immune you from Satanic attacks; it only redeemed you from your sins, and saved your soul from eternal damnation. You have to wage a spiritual war against the dragon and his angels here on earth, and overcome just like Michael and his angels did in Heaven, before you can manifest your divine destiny.




How to overcome the serpent


vBe born again

vCompile Deliverance scriptures and memorise them

vFast and pray especially at midnight

vSpeak in tongues extensively

vEngage in spiritual warfare

vSing Praises to God



“Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me”- Matt 28:18-19


James 4:7 reads: “Resist the devil, and he will flee from you”.


Isaiah 27 vs.1: In that day, the LORD with his sore and great and strong sword shall punish leviathan the piercing serpent, even leviathan that crooked serpent; and he shall slay the dragon that is in the sea.


Luke 10 vs 19 – Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you.


Prayers points


1.    challenge by fire every human agent in my household bowing down to Satan.

2.    You dragon spirit bruising my leg, I break your head in Jesus name

3.    rescue my glory from the spirit of dragon, in the name of Jesus.

4.    cut off the heads of the Leviathan attacking my glory

5.    Every dragon in the waters attacking my glory, be slain in Jesus mighty name

6.    You the Ancient Serpent oppressing my life, I trample you to death in Jesus name

7.    Every serpentine spirits delegated against my life, release me now and die in the name of Jesus

8.    Every Serpent pursuing my glory, be swallowed up by the Serpent of the Lord

9.    Let the terror of the Lord fall upon the army of serpents attacking me in Jesus name I pray

·        Rock of ages, fall upon the Ancient serpent attacking my destiny.

10.                      Every poison of the dragon in my life, be neutralized by the blood of Jesus

11.                      Every wound inflicted against me by the dragon, be healed by the blood of Jesus

12.                      Serpentine spirits crawling in my body, come out and roast to death in Jesus name

13.                      Serpentine spirits afflicting me, I behead you in Jesus name

14.                      Serpent of the Lord, bite the powers making burnt offerings and sacrifices to Idols for my sake in Jesus name

15.                      Every serpentine spirit inhabiting my residence/office, I eject you by the fire of the Holy Ghost in Jesus name.

16.                      Every Serpent suffocating my life, I shake you off into fire in Jesus name

17.                      Every dragon spirit tied around my body, soul, and spirit, released me now and die in Jesus name

18.                      Dragon spirits attacking me through my dreams, be consumed by the fire of the Holy Ghost, in the name of Jesus

19.                      Every power standing as a Goliath in my Life, I bury you today in Jesus name

20.                      Rod of oppressor over my life, break in Jesus name

21.                      Evil implantation in my life, die from the roots in Jesus name

22.                      Every strongman seating upon my blessings, be unseated by fire in Jesus name.

23.                      Demon of poverty assigned against me, I arrest you in the name of Jesus

24.                      Power of Occult against my life, I challenge you with the blood of Jesus

25.                      Chain of death around my neck, break by fire in Jesus name

26.                      Powers digging a grave for me, replace me in the grave in Jesus name

27.                      cursed to death, every power cursing my glory in Jesus name

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